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Wellbeing in Action

Remove and prevent the causes of harm to wellbeing


Remove and prevent the causes of harm to wellbeing

Wellbeing in Action exist to remove and prevent the causes of harm to people's physical, financial, social and mental health and wellbeing.  We take action to tackle the causes through practical and social action to relieve distress and enable people to live their best life.

We have three key ways we do this:

1.  Aid Distribution - getting crisis aid in the form of clothing, household goods, nursery equipment (anything from a sleeping bag to a nursing bra!) to ensure basic human needs are swiftly met.  We have a small grant scheme to help with larger needs such as a fridge or baby bubby.  We use this opportunity to not simply deliver hard goods, but to build a rapid relationship to identify the causes of the problem and find longer term solutions, leading to:

2.  Support Services - a range of individual and group activities including therapy, counselling, peer support clubs and activity groups aiming to help people recover, heal and self-care so they are not so reliant on professionals at the end of long waiting lists.  We provide small grants to help people leapfrog long queues and this could be for anything from a travel pass to facilitate child contact to funding a course of therapy.

3.  Social Action - we strongly believe in the concept of all humans needing to reach out for help at times, and all being capable of contributing that help to others.  Our social action projects enable people to pay forwards through voluntary acts of kindness that tackle health or social issues, reduce isolation and loneliness and bring small windows of joy to those who are suffering.  It is an essential part of maintaining pride and most of our volunteers have lived through experiences themselves.


Wellbeing in Action exist to remove and prevent the causes of harm to people's physical, financial, social and mental health and wellbeing.  We take action to tackle the causes through practical and social action to relieve distress and enable people to live their best life. We have three key ways we do this: 1.  Aid Distribution - getting crisis aid in the form of clothing, household goods, nursery equipment (anything from a sleeping bag to a nursing bra!) to ensure basic human...

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