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Wave Project North Devon

We are a children and young people's mental health charity


We are a children and young people's mental health charity

The Wave Project is a young people's mental health charity. It initially started out in Newquay in 2010, it has been active in North Devon since 2013.

We provide an evidence-backed six week surf therapy course for young people (aged 8-18) who are referred to us by professionals such as GP's, social workers and school teachers.  These young people are referred due to a range of different challenges in their lives from bullying, depression or grief, to physical or learning disabilities. At the Wave Project our sessions allow them to experience the joy of the coastal environment and the waves, in a way that is safe and supported.

Our young people report feeling more confident, having made new friends and having new skills by the end of a six week course with us.

One of the unique aspects of the Wave Project that seems to work so well for young people is that we work with volunteer surf mentors. We offer training to volunteers, which means that they can work 1:1, within a group setting under the guidance of surf instructors, to support young people in the sea.


We usually operate from Croyde Bay with our partner Surf School Surf South West. With more demand than ever before following Covid, we also ran a successful Pilot Project at Westward Ho! from Westward Waves in 2021, seeking to best meet the needs of the young people who are referred to us.

Croyde is also our national hub for Adaptive Surfing - offering bespoke surfing sessions for children and adults with mobility needs. Our Adaptive Surfing Lead Ian organises and delivers the sessions. 

The charity operates from 32 beach locations across Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England. 

Want to join us as a volunteer?
Sign up here: Sign up here to become a volunteer - Wave Project : Wave Project

Want to see more of what we do in North Devon? Follow us on Instagram @waveprojectnorthdevon

Could your organisation (school/college/community group) become a referral partner, to help us pinpoint the children who need support the most? Contact North Devon Coordinator Jaz:

Hoping to get your child referred to the Wave Project? Contact Jaz for more information:

Are you a fundraiser? If you are signing up to a marathon, doing a sponsored dance-athon, or holding a bakesale, your donations can help to support our service. Contact Jaz for more information:

Could your business support us? If your business could make a one-off, annual or monthly donation to support our work we would love to hear from you! Contact Jaz:

Want to book a provate session? Contact Adaptive Surfing Lead


The Wave Project is a young people's mental health charity. It initially started out in Newquay in 2010, it has been active in North Devon since 2013. We provide an evidence-backed six week surf therapy course for young people (aged 8-18) who are referred to us by professionals such as GP's, social workers and school teachers.  These young people are referred due to a range of different challenges in their lives from bullying, depression or grief, to physical or learning disabilities. At...

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