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Jamming Station

Ermpower young poeple through music. Meet, write, gig.


Ermpower young poeple through music. Meet, write, gig.

Jamming Station is a Totnes based CIC, based at The Mill, that runs music, social and creativev projects with and for young people.

We started in 2012. 50% of our advisory board are under 30 yrs old. It is driven by the needs of young people and founded on the understanding that engaging in music can be transformative and empowering, inspire social change and create a culture of respect for individuals and communities. Our projects offer a gateway to expression, a sense of belonging and improved emotional well-being for marginalised and isolated young people.

 We reach young people in town and rural communities who face barriers to their ability and full potential, including economic deprivation, trauma, anxiety, depression, loneliness and are at risk of offending. We collaborate with over ten local organisations and we impact around 200 young people’s lives each year. We aim to reduce marginalisation, develop inter-generational relationships and improve perceptions of young people. We give young people the space, support and encouragement to connect to themselves, to others and to the community, through music. They have the opportunity to develop skills, build confidence and lead healthy empowered lives. 

Jamming Station is a Totnes based CIC, based at The Mill, that runs music, social and creativev projects with and for young people. We started in 2012. 50% of our advisory board are under 30 yrs old. It is driven by the needs of young people and founded on the understanding that engaging in music can be transformative and empowering, inspire social change and create a culture of respect for individuals and communities. Our projects offer a gateway to expression, a sense of belonging and...

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