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Devon Connect launches

'Devon Connect' aims is to make it easier for people to find local information, access volunteering opportunities and get involved projects and campaigns that make a positive impact in their communities.

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Collaboration in action

DeVA partners from across Teignbridge, Torridge, South Hams, West, Mid and North Devon have joined forces to support the new platform which is free and accessible to everyone (regardless of where they live in Devon). 

Speaking on behalf of DeVA, Karen Nolan from Involve Mid-Devon said: 

“Many of the communities we work with tell us they lack good access to up to date information about services and support in their local area. They also tell us that they want to be part of the conversations, opportunities, events and social groups in their neighbourhoods. This platform will help to address that, in particular for anyone living in rural or isolated environments”.

Benefits to the community

Devon Connect invites anyone from the community to sign up, create a profile and contribute information. Community groups and organisations are able to add local listings, events or volunteering opportunities whilst residents can use it to find information that is relevant to their interests, needs or where they live.

With distinct landing pages for each area of Devon, the platform is easy to navigate with local hubs that provide helpful information and opportunities for members to share skills and make connections.

Darran Hill from TTVS says

“Since the pandemic began, we have seen a huge groundswell of interest in volunteering and in community groups coming together to make a real difference and effect positive change. This platform builds on this resurgence, giving people the ability to reach out instantly, make connections with like-minded groups and individuals, get support to start their own campaigns and most importantly, get noticed. Sitting behind this online platform is a strong and established partnership of organisations who are absolutely committed to supporting their communities reach their potential.”

Devon Connect

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